Value & Mission

About Us

BIPOC Startup Week is here to help bring change & create a safe space for BOLD BIPOC Founders|Entrepreneurs to discuss advancements and challenges. This is also a space to strategize on actionable opportunities to help us bridge the inequities that exist for us BIPOC Founders. Data proves that we receive less than 2% when it comes to funding, knowledge capacity and access to contracts. The Founders landscape is not level for BIPOC Founders.

At BIPOC Startup Week, BIPOC Founders ability to join future accelerators, collaborate and match up with BIPOC friendly investors, financial institutions, industry thought leaders and corporations is key if we want to see change, build BIPOC wealth & see BOLD growth happen in the BIPOC Founders|Entrepreneurs landscape. We also run a Youthpreneur segment, for BIPOC YouthPreneurs “catch them young…”

Be a part of that change partner with us.

email us at bipocstartups

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