Tech Accelerator

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and the Tech Accelerator program is here to empower the next generation of innovators. We’re looking for passionate high school and college students with a tech-driven idea. Whether you’re developing the next game-changing app, tackling a global challenge with tech solutions, or revolutionizing an industry, our program provides the resources and guidance to turn your vision into reality. Join us to learn from industry leaders, refine your concept, and gain access to potential funding and mentorship. Get ready to make your mark on the tech landscape and become a leader in the digital revolution!

Tech Accelerator is your launchpad to a successful tech career. We equip young minds with the tools and support needed to bring their innovative ideas to life. Don’t miss this chance to join our vibrant community, learn from experts, and become a leader shaping the future of technology!


By joining the Tech Accelerator, you go beyond just having an idea. You gain the skills, network, and resources to become a leader shaping the future of technology!

Idea Refinement & Validation

Transform your initial tech concept into a polished product or service. Refine your vision through workshops, gain valuable feedback from industry experts, and learn to validate your solution in the real world.

Skill Development & Mentorship:

Master the essential skills needed for tech entrepreneurship. Develop your coding prowess, business acumen, and pitching abilities. Connect with experienced mentors who offer invaluable guidance and support throughout your journey.

Funding & Network Building:

Unlock potential funding avenues to fuel your tech venture's growth. Learn to pitch effectively and connect with investors who believe in your vision. Build a strong network of peers, mentors, and industry professionals for long-term success.

Launch & Beyond

Gain the knowledge and resources needed to launch your tech venture with confidence. Participate in workshops, potentially pilot programs, and receive support to navigate the complexities of the tech industry.

Global Exposure

The Tech Accelerator might offer opportunities to participate in international events, competitions, or exchange programs. Gain a broader perspective on the global tech landscape and connect with innovators from around the world.

Prototyping & Development Resources

Access to cutting-edge technology resources and potential co-working spaces can accelerate your product development process. Prototype your ideas, test functionalities, and refine your tech solution for real-world impact.

Industry Immersion

Gain exclusive access to workshops, guest lectures, and networking events with leading tech professionals. Learn from the best and get insights into the cutting-edge trends shaping the industry.

Collaborative Innovation

Join a vibrant community of like-minded tech enthusiasts. Collaborate with peers, share ideas, and build valuable connections that can fuel your entrepreneurial journey and future endeavors.

Who Can Apply?

The Tech Accelerator program is designed to ignite the passion of future tech leaders, and welcomes applications from both high school and college students who:

  • Possess a strong foundation in technology: This could be through coursework, personal projects, or a demonstrated interest in the field.
  • Have a creative and innovative mindset: You’re brimming with ideas for how technology can solve problems, improve existing solutions, or create entirely new possibilities.
  • Demonstrate a passion for learning: You’re eager to acquire new skills, adapt to the ever-changing tech landscape, and continuously improve your understanding.
  • Are driven and entrepreneurial: You possess the initiative and dedication to turn your ideas into reality, with the potential to build and lead a successful tech venture.

The program isn’t limited to those with fully fleshed-out ideas. If you have a spark of inspiration or a problem you’re passionate about solving with technology, the Tech Accelerator can provide the tools and guidance to help you transform that spark into a game-changing innovation.

Our Program Components

Ideation to MVP

Brainstorming Sessions

Problem to Solution

Product and Market Analysis

Pricing Analysis

Market Identification

Market Trends/Forecast

Access to Beta Testing group

Mentor Matching with Corporations

Mentor Match With Expert Advisors in their respective fields

Business model & Revenue Model

Monthly Pitch Events
Social Capital Building: Network plus get linked on inkedIn

Market size analysis: TAM, and SOM

Product Plan

Marketing /Branding/Sales trategy

Technology Assistance/Guidance

Acap table

Understand Valuations

Create Financial model & Projections

Customized Approach

Complete Sales & Media

Pitch Deck: Create an Investor Pitch & Investor Pitch Deck

Access to Lab

Create Sales Strategy

Bi-Weekly One on One Meetings with Matched Mentors

Go to Market Strategies

Valuations & Exit Strategies

Understanding of Revenue Models for different Industries

Channel With Founder’s eer to Peer Support

Founder’s Resource Vault

Access to a Robust network of VC’s /Traditional funding sources

Networking opportunities with a National and Global network

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