

We are a community of BIPOC founders and entrepreneurs​

Upcoming Events

Our Mission

BIPOC Startup Week is all about a week Highlighting Innovation, Connections & Sustainability of BIPOC & Immigrant Startup + Scale Up Ventures in the Tech, Construction, Creative and Healthcare space. The current landscape does not afford BIPOC and Immigrant ventures the same access to funding and resources. Access to government/private contracts or exposure to cutting edge advancement opportunities is also a challenge. Due to this reason we seek to bring BIPOC Ventures to the forefront, to better the chances to access these opportunities. BIPOC Startup Week is held Quarterly to bridge any lapses in opportunities.


Working as a business coach, we saw the need for an organization that would work closely with these vetted sustainable businesses. So BIPOC Startups came up with a Cohort based template for the Startups. Our main focus is womenpreneurs in tech and youthpreneurs in tech. We offer a free directory listing and website profile on our website.

Our Mission

BIPOC Startup Week is all about a week Highlighting Innovation, Connections & Sustainability of BIPOC & Immigrant Startup + Scale Up Ventures in the Tech, Construction, Creative and Healthcare space. The current landscape does not afford BIPOC and Immigrant ventures the same access to funding and resources. Access to government/private contracts or exposure to cutting edge advancement opportunities is also a challenge. Due to this reason we seek to bring BIPOC Ventures to the forefront, to better the chances to access these opportunities. BIPOC Startup Week is held Quarterly to bridge any lapses in opportunities.

Our Vision

Working as a business coach, we saw the need for an organization that would work closely with these vetted sustainable businesses. So BIPOC Startups came up with a Cohort based template for the Startups. Our main focus is womenpreneurs in tech and youthpreneurs in tech. We offer a free directory listing and website profile on our website.

Keep in Touch!

+1 (323) 921-4725


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