Do you have a groundbreaking idea that holds the potential to revolutionize healthcare through biotechnology? Our Collegiate & High School BioTech Accelerator Program is here to help you make it a reality.

This program empowers aspiring bio-tech innovators to translate their scientific knowledge into tangible solutions. Whether you’re a high school student taking your first steps or a college student ready to delve deeper, we’ll guide you through every stage of development.


Here's what awaits you in our BioTech Junior Accelerator:

Expert Mentorship

Learn from renowned bio-tech professionals who can offer tailored guidance specific to the challenges and opportunities in this dynamic field.

Structured Development Framework

Navigate a clear roadmap to take your bio-tech concept from its genesis to a market-ready solution, gaining valuable skills for every step of the journey.

Exclusive Industry Access

Gain valuable insights and build connections through exclusive events and networking opportunities with leading bio-tech players.

Real-World Experience

This program goes beyond theory, offering practical experience to equip you with the skills needed to become a successful bio-tech entrepreneur.

Funding Pathways

We'll connect you with potential funding sources to turn your innovative bio-tech idea into a reality.

From Discovery to Application

Master the process of validating your bio-tech concept, ensuring it addresses a real need. Develop a winning strategy to bring your solution to the bio-tech market.

Who Can Apply?

The BioTech Accelerator program is designed for aspiring bio-tech innovators, specifically targeting high school and college students. Here’s a breakdown of the ideal applicants:

  • High School Students:

    • You have a strong foundation in science and a passion for bio-technology.
    • You may have an initial concept or idea for a bio-tech solution.
    • You’re eager to learn the fundamentals of bio-tech development and commercialization.
  • College Students:

    • You have a deeper understanding of bio-tech principles gained through coursework or research experience.
    • You may have a more developed bio-tech concept or invention.
    • You’re ready to delve into the specifics of commercializing your bio-tech solution, including securing funding and navigating regulatory hurdles.

In essence, the program welcomes anyone with a strong scientific background and a burning desire to make a difference in the bio-tech field. Whether you’re just starting your bio-tech journey or have an existing idea, the program offers valuable guidance and support at every stage.

Our Program Components

Ideation to MVP

Brainstorming Sessions

Problem to Solution

Product and Market Analysis

Pricing Analysis

Market Identification

Market Trends/Forecast

Access to Beta Testing group

Mentor Matching with Corporations

Mentor Match With Expert Advisors in their respective fields

Business model & Revenue Model

Monthly Pitch Events
Social Capital Building: Network plus get linked on inkedIn

Market size analysis: TAM, and SOM

Product Plan

Marketing /Branding/Sales trategy

Technology Assistance/Guidance

Acap table

Understand Valuations

Create Financial model & Projections

Customized Approach

Complete Sales & Media

Pitch Deck: Create an Investor Pitch & Investor Pitch Deck

Access to Lab

Create Sales Strategy

Bi-Weekly One on One Meetings with Matched Mentors

Go to Market Strategies

Valuations & Exit Strategies

Understanding of Revenue Models for different Industries

Channel With Founder’s eer to Peer Support

Founder’s Resource Vault

Access to a Robust network of VC’s /Traditional funding sources

Networking opportunities with a National and Global network

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