Creative Careers in Tech: Sr. Practice Manager Michelle Bozeman Finds Joy In Building Professionals at Amazon

Photo Credit: AfroTech

After nearly two decades at Microsoft, Michelle Bozeman has proven that she gets things done. Since joining Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2019, she’s done just that in her role as a Senior Practice Manager. Officially embracing a new phase of her career, Michelle’s found a role that both challenges and inspires her as she develops consultants at Amazon.

“My position today is in professional services. I manage a team of consultants that are early in their careers. I manage a program that is meant to grow them into more senior consultants, and I started doing that with college hires. That led me to a passion that I have mentoring and growing people, which led me to AWS,” Michelle says.

Understanding that there’s room for everyone to win, since joining AWS, Michelle says her greatest achievement has been “seeing people grow.” As a manager and mentor, Michelle has been instrumental in developing a new generation of tech professionals.

“Watching them come in so unsure of the position, the company — for some of them, it’s their very first position that they’ve had in a corporation — so they have to learn how to navigate that. And we guide them through that, as well as working with them on the technology pieces and how to work with customers.”

Adding, “Once they’ve got it, they’ve got it, and it’s just so gratifying. My biggest joy is seeing people move off of my team and onto somebody else’s.”

Creatives of all walks of life are drawn to technology, something Michelle Bozeman can relate to. Originally a music major, Michelle later found herself drawn to tech and a path that allows her to flex her creative talents in a different way. 

Using her own story as a guide, Michelle says, “I tell people to be open minded. I came into tech in a very unconventional way. I did not immediately go to school for technology, computer science or programming. I was a music major in college, and it was later in my career that I got a degree in IT.”

For those potentially interested in tech, or just something new altogether, she advises, “I would say be open because you just don’t know where the technology is going or where the jobs will be.”

Watch as Michelle shares her journey and how she’s found a way to incorporate her passion into her work at Amazon. Check out the video below!

Sources: afrotech

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